It's nicely integrated into the site's frontend, and also uses VirtueMart's administration style in the backend.
Due to its integration in VirtueMart, many tasks that are done manually in ordinary affiliate software, become automatic in VMA, such as commission approval/removal and so on.
VM Affiliate is easy to use, but yet very powerful - making affiliate marketing a much more simple job for any VM shop owner.
* Of course, compatibility with Joomla! 1.5.x and VirtueMart 1.1.x!
* One of the most important additions is the hidden Tracking Module, which allows tracking anywhere inside the Joomla!-based website.
* The Affiliate Panel has been completely re-designed. It has been given a nice shape and style, and efficiency in using.
* Affiliates now have support for e-mail campaigns which they can usually lead from inside their affiliate panel.
* E-mail notifications have been added on events such as new affiliate registration, sale made by affiliate, and so on.
* Added support for Text Ads. Administrators can now set up text ads, that appear in the affiliate's panel.
* Added Category Ads. Along with Product Ads, affiliates can now easily set up ads with pictures directly to products and categories.
* Added Statistics, in both frontend and backend, which consist of a visual representation of traffic/sales for this month/year in the form of a chart.
* Banners and text ads are now organized into size groups, which you can easily define.
* And many more minor additions and bug fixes.
DEMO VM Affiliate 4.0 Joomla
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