Sportopolis Joomla pro template 2009 by shape5

10:09 PM

here is a latest on june 2009 pro template by joomla web template developer shape5, very cool design and match for your sport news or related.Easily display the latest sports news for major teams or local leagues with Sportopolis! With an amazing 23 module positions you will never run out of space for your content. It comes packed with all the great features you would expect from Shape 5, a customized news display module, custom column widths, six preset styles, 3 module styles, great news layout, custom background image and so much more!
Not only are you getting a great template this month but you also get our news S5 Live Search Module! Let your site's viewers easily search for material without leaving the current page, refreshing pages or waiting on load speeds. This great little module will set your site apart from the rest!
nemesis media
Menu Styles:
Suckerfish Menu:
This menu is a Suckerfish menu system and is disabled by default but if you prefer to enable it you can set the menu under the template configuration parameters.

S5 No-MooMenu Menu:
The S5 No-MooMenu Menu is completely powered by S5 Effects so your modules and components won't cause any conflictions using this menu system. Just mouse over the top menu in the demo and you will notice the suckerfish menu smoothly expand in.

* 100% CSS tables
* Book with XHTML
* Book with CSS
* Joomla 1.5 compatible
* SQL dump available
* 23 module positions
* New-S5 Module Live Search
* Module S5 Login
nemesis media
* Pieces of DFS included
* Site driver available (demo quick installation)
* Fully collapsible module positions
* S5 Effects scripts power
* Lytebox allowed
* Tooltips enabled
* 4 Menu systems: No MooMenu Scroll Down, No-MooMenu Drop Down, No-MooMenu Fading or Suckerfish
* Custom page and column widths
* Compatible with the following browsers:
IE6 + or Firefox 1.5 +
Opera 9 +
DEMO Sportopolis Joomla pro template
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