my blog joomla component great Blogging Tool V3.0 build 328

10:02 PM

All blogger who use joomla web should have this awesome component,MyBlog is a feature-filled, simple to use, user friendly and powerful blog component for the Joomla! CMS. MyBlog features front-end blog editing with Dashboard, RSS feeds, Technorati pings, Trackbacks, support for multiple blog users, avatar support for Gravatar and Community Builder and much more.
Advance "blogging" editor Each user will have access to their own dashboard where they will be able to see all their blog entries and even comments posted on their entries. When you want to write or edit your blog, the editor will gracefully float within the dashboard.
were designed from ground-up, to make writing a blog, a wonderful experience. We remove all the clutter, take away all the unnecessary buttons and toolbar and give you a clean interface to type. Writing a blog will never be a chores. In fact, many of our user told us that they now write more blog entries, longer because the editor is such a pleasure to use. Not only that, we give you:
* built-in image browser, where you can insert new image with 1 single click
* assign categories and multiple tags to any entry
* search older blog post via ajax and link to it within your entry easily
* embed video from various sources, easily.
* built-in word count
nemesis media
Tons of blogger-oriented features!
* MyBlog frontpage that displays all blog entries with pagination
* Filter blog posts by user, tags, or keywords
* RSS feeds
* Technorati pings and tags . Get picked up by Technorati!
* Simple and intuitive Dashboard for users to manage their blog posts, write or edit a new entry.
* Powerful admin backend
* Avatar support (SMF, gravatar, Community Builder)
* Community Builder integration
* Joomla! Content Mambot integration (Google Adsense bot, All Videos bot, etc)
* Fast templating system, similar to Jom Comment's
* Built-in image browser
* Jom Comment integration
Feature Highlights
* DashBoard. MyBlog’s Dashboard allows the editing of your blog content without taking you outside of your website or Joomla’s back-end. Bloggers can access the Dashboard from a menu link at the front of the website.
* Easy Image Editing. Image editing comes easy with MyBlog. MyBlog loads images from your directory and stores them into the Joomla! media directory. MyBlog comes with easy posting of your images into your blog entry. Just double-click on the desired image and it will be placed in your blog entry.
* MyBlog Back-end Adminstrator. Take a look at MyBlog’s back-end administrator controls. Manage your blog entries with RSS feeds, permissions for bloggers or the layout for MyBlog itself by choosing ready-made templates (available for Professional version only). The back-end features a user friendly layout for bloggers to manage their blog with ease.
* Multi-blogger. MyBlog allows for multiple bloggers to blog. MyBlog templates support avatar images to show from Gravatar or Community Builder. Your blog entries look nice with an image from the blogger themselves. :)
* Fully customizable template. MyBlog has a robust and highly customizable template. You could easily edit the template yourself (with a little html and php knowledge).
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