Movie Plazza Joomla Template for Movie Reviews Website

8:42 AM

Just like its name, Joomla Movie Plazza, this Joomla template was designed for a movie-themed website, or movie reviews (but it didn't mean it cannot be used for websites with other themes too)
To support the theme, we completed this template with TPFLV Player , a special plugin from us that was especially designed to play your own flv files and also completed with several interesting features, such as able to display your logo on the player screen, 4 costumized skins, and many others, so that it will enriched the function of your Joomla movie website.
Besides that, MoviePlazza is also Joomla Template completed with several extra Joomla modules, such as Login xtd module, Top box office module, Drop down xtd module (as part of the framework), tpbox 1 (updated), and many more.
nemesis media
Movie Plazza Joomla Template Features:
Joomla Joomla 1.5.x Compatibility
Joomla Manual
Browser Compatibility
Firefox, IE7, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Safari iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile 6.x, Android, Opera Mini
Special Features/ Function / Add On
* Joomla TPFramework
* Joomla TPFLVPlayer
* Joomla TPLogin XTD
* Joomla TPBoxOffice
Joomla Design Variations 8 Skeletons, 2 Themes, 3x11 font families and 3x3 Font sizes
Joomla Menu Types
Joomla Menu, TP Menu (Dropdown, Dropcolumn, Dropline, Dolphin)
Joomla Typography Xtypo
Lightbox Effect TPBox2
Moo tooltips Yes
Joomla Module Positions 24 Fully Collapsible Module Positions
Tableless Design
GZip Loader
IE6 Browser Warning
DEMO Movie Plazza Joomla Template
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