JA Teline III joomla news pro template

10:24 PM

Very new joomla art template september 2009, very nice and clean design for news web type.New modules/plugins
1. JA Weather Module
Displayweather information from Google API with many features:
- Auto detect visitor IP & display the weather info of the city he is living. If the IP can not be matched with any city, default location will be displayed
- User can change his location, enter 1, 2 letter of the city name and the auto complete feature will give the city name suggestion <-- convenient to make sure the city name is correctly entered - Allow single or multi location with location chooser, the location is saved via cookies (guest/not logined) and via user database if user is logged in. - Visual graphical display: easier for user to read weather info at a glance. - Support Fahrenheit and Celsius display/switcher - Forecast for the next 4 days - Extra information supported, depend on module setting, extra information like humidity, wind speed and weather descriptions can be displayed 2. JA Stock Module -. Support vertical or horizontal display of the stock indices - Aajax remove/add/update stock indices - Auto complete for indices search And a lot of paras to config via the module backend 3. JA Popup Plugins Support most of the popular Javascript libraries, admin can decide which JavaScript library will be used. * FancyBox * GreyBox * HighSlide * ShadowBox * SqueezeBox * ThickBox * Multibox
Support many types of content display using above frame work
---- type="ajax" content="a.html" display content of a.htmp page via AJAX
---- type="iframe" content="http://www.google.com" display google content via IFRAME
---- type="youtube" content="youtube_link" display youtube video in popup
---- type="image" content="sample.jpg": display sample.jpg picture in popup
---- type="slideshow" content="a1.jpg, a2.jpg" display a1.jpg, a2.jpb picture in popup as slideshowand many more..

The advantage of this plugin is flexibility in use of JavaScript to avoid conflict with other extensions and improve the site performance. The template only load the chosen JavaScript library.
nemesis media
4. JA News II (thank Cornelio for the suggestion)
There are a lot of things to tell about JA News II, you will find all features of JA News together with many improvement/enhancement
- Option to configure what sections/categories to display
- Ajax ordering of section/modules
- Choose how many rows/column for the frontpage
All users setting are saved via cookies for guest, via database for logged in users.
JA News Frontpage II also support many layout/display options for the headlines + leading stories.

5. IntenseDebate, Disqus, JS-Kit Comment system integration
With this plugin, users now can comment on your Joomla article
- Admin can enable/disable comment on specific categories/sections
- The style of each comment system is fine-tuned to match with Teline III style

6. JA Twitter Module
Display twitter streams with advanced & flexible settings via module parameters.

7. Inline Image Gallery in Articles. (latest Addition - Inspired by Reuters magazine (samples)
DEMO JA Teline III joomla news pro template
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