Flux shines with its flashy menu bar, for which we once again used our amazing fancy menu: The menu items look like they are buttons pushed into the menubar. Also the YOOsearch and the breadcrumbs fit in perfect with the template design. Of course, Flux comes with our awesome new Warp5 menu that you might already know from our last template Phoenix. It also allows you to publish modules in the dropdown menu and, like all our templates, it comes with loads of module variations.
We also added some new features to our Warp5 framework:
* The fancy menu effect is now also applied to modules published on the menu position.
* The effect of the fancy menu remains even when the cursor goes off the dropdown and back on again.
* You can assign individual widths for modules published in the dropdown via the Module Class Suffix, for example: dropdownwidth-255.
* You can set individual dropdown widths for menu items via the Page Class Suffix, for example: columnwidth-200.
* You can turn off background images for a specific menu via the Menu Class Suffix, for example: images-off.
* We also improved a few module templates.
to get this Warp5 based template
* Amazing Menu System with great flexibility
* Any module composition possible, right out of the box!
* Search engine optimizied, 2-1-3 column, CSS framework.
* Ultra Fast Loading, thanks to Gzip and CSS sprites.
* Works in all modern browsers, even IE6!
Feature list
* Built with the new Warp template framework
* New muti-column dropdown menu with fancy effect
* Nice text shadow for headlines, modules and menu
* Lots of modules with color variations, endless combinations with icons and badges possible
* 2-1-3 column ordering for search engine friendliness
* Compact size, using gzip and image sprites
* Works with all YOOtools
DEMO Yootheme Flux template Aug 09
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Download Yootheme Flux template Aug 09
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