Features :
- XML driven,
- change colors in the xml,
- logo in png, gif, jpg or swf,
- background music,
- rss button,
- twitter button,
- fullscreen button,
- fullscreen resizing of text, video and images,
- different external image background for each section,
- scrollable menu,...
Modules :
- home : an image or swf and a html text, which adapt itself to the width of the screen,
- html text : display short or long html texts,
- news : display your news, with a title, a short description, and the complete text (html enabled),
- team : display your team members, with a photo, a html text, a twitter button, a www button, and a form to contact directly the member via e-mail,
- mini slideshow : a slideshow, automatic or manual, to display your images or swfs, with a small descriptive text,
- multimedia gallery : a gallery system to display your photos or videos,
- your own swf : load your own swf into the template,
- links : a links page with a description for each link,
- external link : to rely to a webpage outside your website (like your blog for example),
- contact : a contact form with your address, and an image or swf to show your office or display an interactive map,
- standalone video player : to display a showreel for example.
Opens With Flash CS3 (9+)
Resolution Resizable
ActionScript Version AS2
Well Documented
Features Tags fullscreen, video, xml, template
DEMO JOHN & JANE ’S Flash web XML driven template
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