* 2 full colour schemes – dark and light.
* User specified “accent” colour can be chosen from a colour picker in WP-Admin for easy customization.
* Flexible photo area supports an image of any height. No need to resize, as the overflow is hidden automatically.
* Dynamic image resizing for post thumbnails used through-out the theme.
* Custom built theme settings panel within WP-Admin that allows you to customize the theme without editing any templates.
* Flexible logo space allows images up to 900px wide and any height. Image path and dimensions are entered in WP-Admin.
* Easily link to social networks you take part in, with support for 28 of the most popular sites.
* Both sidebars are widgetized.
* Custom widgets for the 3 main ad spots (4 125×125 buttons, 300×250 bigbox, 160×600 skyscraper). 728×90 leaderboard and 468×60 banner also supported.
* Super lean markup and CSS , makes advanced customization a pleasure.
* Tested on Windows and Mac – IE6 -8, Firefox 2 & 3, and Safari 3 & 4. Some details are toned down for older versions of IE, but nothing is broken.
* Support for Twitter Tools, FlickrRSS, WP-PageNavi, and Subscribe to Comments plugins out of the box.
* Original PSD included!
* Imperial uses Tim McDaniels’ TimThumb script for resizing the images used in the featured posts sections and in archive listings.TimThumb requires the GD library, which is available on any host sever with PHP 4 .3+ installed.
Support & Feature Requests
First – read the help documentation that came bundled with the theme. Please use this space to ask for help troubleshooting issues, find out how to extend the theme, share your modifications, etc. If you can’t find your answer there, feel free to send me a direct message via ThemeForest. I will not answer support requests left as comments here.
I will gladly help squash any bugs that might pop up and assist as best I can in resolving issues with the theme itself. I will continue to update Varnish if updates to the WordPress core render it incompatible over time.
Knowledge of Photoshop, XHTML /CSS, and the WordPress template system are required for advanced customization.
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