five unique color schemes
eNews comes with five different color schemes. If Blue isn't your style, try out the Red, Green, Purple or Turquoise variations.
Featured articles display
With the featured articles display you can choose to feature your favorite posts on the homepage.
With eNews you can place 125x125 banner images in your sidebar and 468x60 ads to your post pages with ease. Advertisements are handled from within wp-admin, and can be turned on and off at any time.
optional blog-style post layout
If you would rather not use the abbreviated post structure you can opt for the optional blog-style layout. When enabled, your posts will be displayed in full like a traditional blog.
automated thumbnail resizing
This theme utilizes timthumb to automatically resize your thumbnail images. Because of this, only one thumbnail images is required per post, despite the various thumbnail sizes used in the theme.
in-depth theme options
eNews comes with an options page that features a long list of settings that makes managing the theme as user-friendly as possible.
full features list
* Opera compatible
* Netscape compatible
* Safari compatible
* Wordpress 2.8 compatible
* Five Color Schemes
* Threaded Comments
* Optional Blog-style Layout
* Gravatar ready
* Firefox compatible
* IE8 + IE7 + IE6 compatible
* Advertisement Ready
* Widget ready sidebars
* Theme Option Pages
* Custom thumbnail images
* PSD files
* Valid XHTML + CSS
* Smooth tabless design
DEMO Enews Elgantthemes Wordpress premium template
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