Video Broadcast AchTube component for Joomla

2:36 AM

nemesis media
AchTube Component
You can make a youtube or myspace site in a few minutes with this component on Joomla. You can use all Joomla! Features and youtube features on your site. This component is not for embed code or any other that working on the original location of video. This component can upload video to server and encoding video to flv inside. Like youtube and myspace.
Admin Features:
Standard installation via the Joomla Component installer
Auto configuration for video encode tools
Selectable video encoder (FFmpeg or MEncoder)
Selectable image creator (FFmpeg, MPayer or FFmpeg-PHP)
Delete original video On/Off selection after upload video
Administration approve On/Off selection for uploaded video
Auto featured all video On/Off selection for uploaded video
Limitable video size for upload
Changeable Player size
Video Auto play On/Off selection for uploaded viewing
Watermark additions (with your logo)
Original video and converted video download On/Off selection
E-mail video, embed link, friendly URL On/Off selection
Changeable video size for converted video
Audio bitrates, audio sampling, video bitrates, video frame rate changeable for best video quality
Limiting user type for video upload, video watching and video download by admin
Intro image size and thumbnail size changeable
Image quality changeable
Addable video upload terms
Uploaded video watching panel on back-end
Original video or converted video downloadable for editing by admin after user finished upload
Selectable Featured a video by admin
Selectable published or unpublished a video by admin
Easy use and manage all videos like Joomla! contents
nemesis media
User Features
Online video upload
Ratings for videos
Addable, removable My favorite videos section
Editable uploaded video details by uploader user
My videos section
Own video managing
Viewable all video info
Copying URL for video
Copying embedded link
Downloading video either original or FLV format
Adding email for sending page link
Joomcomment integrated
Community Builder integrated
JoomlaFish integrated
Joomla!’s New, Featured, Rated items modules applicable
Full screen video watching

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