Thesis 1.5 is available now, and it boasts completely rebuilt options pages as well as some new design options that are quite literally going to revolutionize the way we build websites.After you download Thesis 1.5, you’ll need to follow the simple directions below in order to allow the theme to rock your socks (trust me, these are must-do items because the end result is too good to miss!).
If you’re installing Thesis for the first time…
Upload the new Thesis 1.5 folder to your /wp-content/themes folder.
Inside your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance → Themes, and then activate Thesis 1.5.
You’re done, but make sure you check out both the Thesis Options and Design Options pages that now exist inside your WordPress Dashboard. You’ll be able to do things like set up your navigation menu, set fonts and font sizes, select your layout, and much, much more. To put it simply, this is the part of Thesis you don’t want to miss!
Download Report ASAP if there some dead links with reply or post comment here...thanx...
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