This is a best joomla component for social network in your joomla web, Create your own social network. Build your own social network with your own logos, graphics and themes. Customize the look of your community through CSS edits; or use the included templates to get your community up and running in no time.
Get real-time updates on friends' daily activities through Jomsocial Activity Stream. Follow personal blogs and Twitter posts from one location.
Chatting with old friends and making new ones is central to JomSocial. Members can send private messages to anyone and connect amongst themselves at any time.
Create unlimited special-interest groups with Jomsocial and manage them all easily. Add more members to your groups by inviting your friends and hide any group you wish with our unique Privacy Settings.
Creating photo albums to share with friends is as easy as 1-2-3! Get your friends to comment on your photos, and as an admin, delete the community photos you deem inappropriate. You have total control over your community.
Jomsocial supports Youtube, Vimeo, and more on community user Walls with 3rd-party video apps such as Highwood Video and Seyret.
Now everyone can create a thriving, unique and interactive Joomla! community... effortlessly!
Customize profile fields.
Create groups. Invite friends.
Send private messages. Comment on walls.
Share photos. Follow updates via activity stream.
Integrate 3rd party components with our robust API.
and much more...
i have added with fully addon and plugin supported for media and related to use it in your jomcosial...
Enjoy this great package....
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