released MP Tellix in 2008, although isn't newest but i like it cause make your web look compact, clean and profesional look, a new fixed width (optimized for screenresolutions of 1024x768 or more) commercial template for Joomla 1.5.x.
It is a bright, clean and elegand multi purpose template and can be used for smaller shops, communities, business websites, product pages and other types of webprojects.
The package includes the used, ready sliced and layered .psd Photoshop source file, the templates installation file, a small documentation and additional fonts.
The template provides twelve different modulepositions and comes in pure and valid XTHML 1.0/CSS 2.0 code.
The MP Tellix template provides a total of 12 modulepositions. The positions are: User3, advert, header, User4, User5, User6, Top, Left, User7, User8, User9 and Footer
User 3: For the "topmenu" module
advert: For the small side menu
Header: For the big header image
User4: Top left module
User5: Top center module
User6: Top right module
Left: Side column modules
top: For the module above of the maincontent
User 7 - User9: Additional modules below the maincontent
Footer: For a module in the footer area
Please Report ASAP if there some dead links with reply or post comment here...thanx...
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